Sunday 22 November 2009

25.11.09 - Audience Feedback

To help assess the effectiveness of our teaser trailer, I gathered some audience feedback to look for any improvements and aid my evaluation. I began by posting the trailer on YouTube, a website extremely popular with the target audience. I then posted the link on Facebook, another website the target audience is involved with. The comments can be seen below:

Although I thought this method would be effective, I only managed to gain a limited amount of comments meaning I was not able to gather enough evidence from it. I knew that the only way to successfully gather this feedback would be to speak to them in person.

Instead, I transfered the trailer onto a portable device, nameley an iPod, and in person, showed the trailer to a small selection of the target audience. I then video recorded their responses to two questions: 'What did you think of the trailer?' and 'Would you want to see this film?' These comments can be seen below:

Alternate Link:

Comments that frequently came up:

  • Well made/edited
  • Interesting
  • Professional
  • USP was highlighted - Hampstead Heath
  • Does not give alot away, 'un-answered questions'

From this peice of audience feedback, it is clear to me that we have successfully created a trailer that attracts our target audience. Many said it was interesting which is evidence that it could be appealing to ‘creative and aspiring’ adults. It was said it was well made and well edited giving us evidence that we have effectively used the video editing software as well as looking professional, suggesting we have effectively used the conventions of a teaser traler. We can see that the Unique Selling Point has been highlighted as audience members liked the use of the Heath; an existing place they can relate to. Finally, many said they were most persuaded to see the film from the un-answered questions and how little the trailer gives away. This is a convention that we have adhered to.

Despite this positive audience feedback, there is one problem - its all positive. To improve the trailer, I will need to get the views of members of anonymous members of the public however I do not think this is necessary as I am confident our trailer fully serves its purpose as a marketing campaign.