Thursday 5 November 2009

05.11.09 - Film Title Designed

We developed a title that will be used in the trailer, film poster and magazine front cover as well as in any other promotional tools involved in the marketing campaign.

Using Adobe Photoshop, we began by expermenting with the placing of the text and splitting the page into black and white to see what colours were more effective: We decided that a more compact look would save space on the page and black was more effective in representing the genre. In the research on slasher horror titles, black was used frequently to represent themes of death and horror, therefore we conformed to this generic convention to produce the same effect. We also chose a font similar to that seen on the gravestones in our location research to give the title a more traditional look, representing the cemetery theme.

After deciding that white on black was more effective, we enlarged the text to fill the frame so we can begin to develop it further:

We noticed that the colour red was frequently used in the titles of slasher horror movies so we therefore decided that we needed to add red into our own title to indicate the horror genre. We changed the entire text to red however this was too powerful and instead added a streak of red through the centre of the text:

Our final adjustment involved shortening the red streak as it was too long and our eyes were being drawn away from the text. To correct this, we shortened that line to frame the text better and bring more focus to the title itself. This title now represents the horror genre through the use of the conventional colours black, red and white and indicates themes in the film through the font type and the words themselves. The use of black and white also signifies the conlflict between life and death and good and evil - a convention discovered from my analysis into film titles.