Friday 30 October 2009

30.10.09 – Initial Script Drafted

Following further development of our ideas, a first draft of the script was created which I was responsible for. Although we were unable to see the Highgate Cemetery tour in action, it was quite straightforward to guess the tour guides mode of adress however I looked at a number of online videos to make sure our guess was accurate. The first script consists of dialogue mainly spoken by the tour guide, explaining the tragic story of Maria Sweet. I have also included some other information about the cemetery to fit before this while the camera focuses on the students.

Although this script provides information on the killer, personality and character traits are less evident. One convention of a teaser trailer is that the characters are introduced e.g. their relationships and personalities. Although it would be good to use this convention, we would not have time to include it and if we were to include it, we would be giving too much away, especially if we were to present them coming into contact with the grave. Nevertheless, I have typed up the script in two parts; the tour and the student’s contact with the grave and can be reviewed with my peers to make any necessary changes.