Thursday 29 October 2009

29.10.09 – Visit to Highgate Cemetery

We took a visit to Highgate cemetery for more inspiration and to boost our ideas on the plot, characters, setting and the killer. From our research into plot lines, we discovered that the settings more frequently used in slasher-horror were more desolate, suburban areas and we thought a cemetery with its emptiness and graves suggesting themes of death, would be a good setting for our trailer.

 Although we were not able to take part in a tour, we were able to pay a visit to the cemetery itself. During our visit, we disscused our ideas further and decided that our trailer will serve as a back story, explaining the killers death and her motive for killing. The film itself would then be about how a group of students come to her attention and are killed of one by one.

 We discovered a grave with the name ‘Mary Sweet’ from which we decided that our killers name will be ‘Maria Sweet’ and felt that it suited the character. We changed the name to Maria to remove any association with the villain ‘Bloody Mary’ and to give relevance to a modern era. The name ‘sweet’ reminds us of her innocence before she was killed as well as having a sense of irony. Photographs were also taken at the visit to use as location research and possibly for use in the poster. A large number of photos were taken to document this research and can be viewed on